My daily life (on Fridays)

Okay so I titled this blog as "My daily life (on Fridays)" because my life is always different everyday. I'm pretty sure it's the same with everyone at least to some degree. Maybe not completely different but some what different.

Okay, moving on. Well today I woke up at 7 AM like I do every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for school. I usually just get up and get dressed, grab my empty cup of coffee( I buy some at school for 60 cents!) and run out the door! I usually am not one who cares about how I look in the morning so I don't bother with that kind of stuff unless I'm about to go out to see my boyfriend Ben. Then it does matter. I like looking my best for him. It's weird because I don't normally do that... I never did, but ever since I met him I've willingly wanted to get all pretty and what-not. Anywho's, I eventually get out of school at 9 AM, go home, eat breakfast, drop my sister off school, and head home to do chores and homework. Then at around 12 PM I have to go back to school til about 2 o'clock. Then I'm out for the weekend. I then pick up sister and we go out to eat and go to the mall. After that we go home and I wait for Ben and I hang out with him for the rest of the night until I have to come home of course!

And that's basically how I spend my Fridays. Although today I've added reading my Bible before doing chores and homework. I felt I needed to do that this week.

Okay as for my thoughts, Lately I've been thinking about the things that have really sparked an interest in me. I've been thinking a lot about cake decorating and how I find that very interesting! I wish I could decorate cakes. I even hope to take some kind of classes to learn how to do that! I even think It would be cool to have had that as my major, but I kind of don't want to change it. I think I've done a lot already to do that! I might consider it though as like a side job, or a hobby. Maybe.

Another thing that I was also intrigued by is voice acting! yes, it sounds very weird but it's also interested me a bit lately. I think it would be cool to act as voices for different cartoons and such. It makes me wonder though if my voice would actually fit the voice of any character in a cartoon or whatever. I think it would be cool do do that :)

Also I've really been wanting to learn to play the drums. I don't know how to play a single instrument! My sister can play the guitar very well and so can my boyfriend, but I can't play anything. I would like to at least know how to do something so that I can feel like I have some sort of talent because I don't feel like I have any talent at all! So I've been looking into that. The only thing about me trying out new things is that I get bored of things easily and quickly. That's why I never learn anything!

I've also been thinking about singing. Sometimes I want to sing with Ben when he's leading worship at our church, but I start to feel like I don't have that good of a voice or I'd probably be to scared to sing in front of a crowd. My sister thinks I sing good, I think she does...but I dunno. So see, I can't seem to make-up my mind!

Anyways, that's about all I have to say about that. Laters!


  1. This made me giggle at how much you've grown and how different of a person you have become. In a good way though. It's sill that you think I can play guitar and sing really well though.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you can knock that "I don't have a talent" notion out of your head now. :P

  2. Haha Yeah, reading and looking back It really has made me realize that I have grown and I do have my own talent XD. It's crazy what 5 years can do.


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