Sulky Sunday

Today stated off as a normal Sunday morning. The only difference being that we were planning to go to the movie theaters after church. I guess all forces of the universe were against me going to see this movie (Avengers) because I had bought the wrong tickets. Yeah, I know what your thinking. "Girl just refund your tickets. No biggie." Ugh, yeah tried that. I was lucky enough to find a showing around the same time. Only this was not going to be an REAL XD experience like the original tickets I had ordered were suppose to be. Whatever. I figured it's my mistake I'll settle for the regular digital viewing experience. I'm not a picky person when it comes to movies but this was suppose to be a special birthday gift to me from me....through the humble wallet of my hubby lol. So I was going to be picky just once. Unfortunately, that all went out the window. Nevertheless, I was content (slightly sour about the situation but content) and continued to purchase those mediocre tickets. But oh how the tables can turn. You'd never think I'd make the same mistake twice. Well, your wrong. I can. Yep, I ordered the wrong tickets for the second time in just a span of 15 minutes. I'm not surprised though. I'm this type of gal. Not always functioning at 100% in the common sense section of my brain. You'd think i'd deserve a second chance but unfortunately, Avengers is too popular of a movie still to be able to find tickets for a showing on the same day you want to get tickets.

So here I am on a Sunday afternoon sulking. Yeah, I'm so mad at myself. Thankfully I got refunded for both tickets. Sadly, we wont be seeing this movie until next week. Now I have to explain to my kids why we're not going to the movies today after all. Can anyone relate to my situation? is this what you call mom brain ? perhaps on a whole other lever. Like a mom brain hybrid? Yeah, that's me. At least my outfit for Sunday was somewhat put together. Here is a photo of what I chose to wear this morning for Sunday service :)
Dress: Old Navy (not sold in store anymore) you can find something similar here
Cardigan: Thrift Store
Steve Madden Oxford Shoes: Bought through Instagram $15
Find Similar ones here
