Jokes on me!

April fools Stephanie! Today is not April 1st :P but I thought it was. Today has been a very off day for me. It's a great way to start the week by the way. I'm all confused and moody today :P. I thought Monday was April 1st. So to prepare for our Pest Control service that was to be done on April 1st (which to me was supposedly a Monday)I decided to clean for that day and do other things that involve a certain cat. I also thought had an appointment for my local WIC office. So there I go, doing all these things and stopping by at the WIC office only for them to tell me it's not April 1st -_-. So I have to go back tomorrow and waste more gas that I already wasted today. So yep, it's been a bad day for me. There is a whole lot more going on but I don't want to be complaining all the time. It's just been a stressful month, there is a lot I need to have done with us moving out and all. I have a lot on my mind and my brain can't keep up lol. I do need to remember to take a deep breath and just let God take over! STORY OF MY LIFE! Oh yeah, did I tell you we are moving out? See what I mean!!!?? I've been so busy lately I haven't even told anyone that we are moving, maybe like a few people know but not many. Anyways, it's all happening so fast. Ben had an interview last week and we also had a notice to renew our lease that same time. We decided to take advantage of that opportunity in case Ben does get the job we can move out and maybe find another place to live. In the meanwhile, we will be living at his parents house. They've got a little barn that they converted into a little home. By little i mean LITTLE! but it will definitely be helping us out with saving money. No more rent! yay! At least for 3 months or so. That's pretty much all that's been going on. I still want to right about how Ben's been teaching in the College Ministry at our church. But I'm going to wait until my mind is clear and ready to talk about it with detail. I also am waiting for a quiet afternoon where I can write in peace. lol And with that I'm off to battle the evil forces of USPS Customer Service for the 100th time!
