I'm back!

Hey y'all I'm back and ready to update this blog once again lol. Sorry I have been out for so long. Moving was a nightmare and took us forever. In fact, we are still moving things around and trying to figure out where to put things. We have so much stuff for such a small living space. We had to sacrifice a lot of things. At least I did anyhow! Lol I have like no clothes lol. 

Living in the new studio/house has proved challenging for us. We got so used to having so much space and now we are all in one room! But my kids have adjusted just fine and they love going outdoors! That's a plus for me. I was homesick for a while until I realized my home is with my husband and kids :) I feel better now though. The plan is we will be here for a year and then hopefully The Lord will bless and provide us with the means for a bigger place of our very own! If not we will continue to wait on The Lord for his perfect timing :) 

For now we are enjoying this new change and embracing it as best we can :) . Also as far as my etsy shop goes....I haven not set it up because of all the hectic-ness with moving out. But I'm hoping in the next month or two I can get it up and start selling my creations lol

Well I must feed my children now! 

I'll try and keep posting again.

