Crafty Mom

Aside from being a SAHM. I also have hobbies. Yes, me, a busy mom with 3 kids. I do manage to find a bit of time to do things that I like. For instance, on a good, chill kinda day when my kids are in school and the youngest one is napping. I like to pull out my hooks and yarn and start crocheting. I love it. Sure, there are times when I get burnt out and don't pick up my hooks at all for months. Other times (like yesterday) I get inspired and crochet something pretty amazing like this top I decided to whip up in a couple of hours.

Anyways, I also have an Etsy shop where I make and sell things here and there. You can check that out here at Stitched by step

Speaking of getting crafty. I'm thinking about making a separate section here and just updating you all with things pertaining to crafts and crochet. Just a thought but yeah, definitely something I've been thinking about.  Alright, so that's what I've been up to these past few days. Honestly not much since it's been so ugly windy outside. I need to get sweeping. There is so much dust that blew into the house. I better get to it then. I'm out!
