So this is me..

Mornin' ya'll. It's another day another MONDAY. Time for the rude awakening that is the start of the new work week. For me, Monday means grocery day and that in itself is enough to get me yearning for Friday again. Either way it must be done. We literally have 0 food in our fridge. Ive pretty much rummaged through the entire fridge to make up whatever meals I could to last us the weekend. Now, It's do or die. our very lives depend on me getting our groceries today lol.

On a side note, I've been working on some crocheting and I'm currently making some bonnets. I love the way bonnets look on babies. I'm a big fan of the modern- vintage look for babies and kids. If I had enough time and $$ I'd definitely be dressing my kids up more vintage-y looking. Here is a photo of my littlest in one of my crocheted bonnets. She's not this little anymore though :'(.
Isn't she adorable? I also made the blanket that she is on top of. Man, I'd better stop here. I'm getting hit by some major feels. I don't want this moment to escalate into me having baby fever CUZ been there done that! I'm out!
