Stay at Home Mom

Hey everyone. It's been a while. Gosh, I feel like I say that often. Well, its true. I dont have a lot of time to do much blogging and yet I kinda do have a lot of time. I'm a stay at home mom. That means I have free time and also no free time at all. It depends on the day of course and what I'm doing. It also 100% depends on the mood of my kids. Like for instance, today my son is happily entertaining himself while playing with his toys and watching Transformers for like the 1000th time today. My youngest one...oh wait. Hold on... let me go check on her real quick...........OK! we're good. She's playing with my spatulas. So yeah, that's my life today. Also, it is windy outside. Like nasty windy. That's the sucky part about living in the desert. Spring brings flowers and dust showers over here. On the upside. Our sunsets, and sunrises here are killer amazing and just an awesome testament to the craftsmanship of our Creator. I'll be sure to insert a photo below.
Pretty Stellar huh? My husband took this one. He's a freelance photographer. An amazing one at that. Be sure to follow him on his Instagram @benrodryphoto.<<< I could be missing a hyphen somewhere there but Im too lazy to check if it's correct.

Anyways, that's about all I have to say for today. I kind of feel guilty writing this blog post while my kids are over in the other room entertaining themselves. I'm going to stop now. It's Evie's nap time. Oh darn! I forgot to update you all on my pregnancy. Hah! That's right, the last time I wrote on here I was 7 months preggo. Well, I've since then had that baby. I will need to make a post about that later on. Ok I'm off!
