Mothers day, Birthday, Yard fixing...

So it's been a bit of a while since I posted on here. Story of my life right? Yeah, such is the life of motherhood in my house. Sometimes you've got time for daily posts on social media and other days your forgetting graduations and school events for your kids ( don't judge me). It's been quite a busy month for us and I cannot wait for summer. I'm not really looking forward to the heat of summer but definitely looking forward to the relaxation time I get from not having to take kids to and from school each day. Who am I kidding though? We all know after the first two weeks they (by they I mean my kids) will be driving me nuts! So keep an eye out for all the fun activities we will be doing. It gets super hot here in Texas so I'll be doing a lot of indoor activities with my kids. Maybe we'll have a couple trips to the splash pads and what not.

We've also just got over some major sicknesses. All of my babies got HFAM. It was the WORST ever! Thankfully Ben and I were safe from the virus. Before that we all had stomach bugs, then the flu. SO it's been a crazy year. I may need to do more for our immune systems.

We are also working on our backyard this year. Hoping by the end of this month we will have our grass growing. We just put in our sprinkler system so that's all set up and ready. I'm so excited! we've been without a backyard for about 2 months and my kids are dying to play out in their swing set which we had to tear down in order to fix up the yard. I'll see if I can do a before and after post later.

So, as you may know, Mothers day has come and went. It was a lovely time for me. I received some cute things from my kiddos. All handmade stuff from school. Since it was Mothers Day, the kids and I made some cute frames to give to each grandma. I will make a separate post on that craft later. They really came out nice! Here is a photo of the finished project...

I've also been working on some more beanies to stock up my shop. I updated photos for my Ana beanie and they came out amazing thanks to my little model. you can view more of my listings here on my website

So there ya have it. That's pretty much why i've been MIA for the past few weeks. Keep an eye out for a Closet Try-On from Old Navy as well as a post about our upcoming vacation :)
