Style Me Wednesday

So today's post I wanted to try talking about my style. Though I love to dress up and look some what put together, I'm not much of a style guru. I often go by what I like and feel good in. I do get inspiration from Pinterest and social media but I almost always make the outfit something that I can wear comfortably ( because hello, Mom life) and something I can actually afford. I'm not a big brand name kind of gal. I sometimes feel it ridiculous to pay so much for something with a brand name. Yes, it's great if it will last you a long time but honestly, if I can't pay for that kind of quality i'd rather look elsewhere. I also believe if you look hard enough you can find a stylish item/outfit for less and with good quality.

For instance, I've been searching far and wide for some really cute sandals. Not just any sandal, I wanted slip on sandals. Something that looked a lot like these.

I've searched online and they are either super out of my budget or very cheap and uncomfortable. I actually came across some at Dollar General for $8. I was shocked! I had to try em' on! To my utter dismay, they were absolutely so painfully uncomfortable. I was so sad because they were the style I was looking for, the price was amazing... too good to be true actually. But the fit was just not right. I tried a larger and smaller size and it was just not working out. I put them back on the rack and headed out. In my head I thought, "maybe if I pay more I'll get better comfort. Maybe I need the brand name kind." So I went to the store next door. Now this kind of store was a local shoe shop. It seemed they had some quality shoes! I found similar sandals, only they were $160!!!! I continued to try them on thinking they had to feel comfortable because they were so expensive and we're a brand name. Boy, was I ever wrong!! They we're just as uncomfortable as the ones for $8 at the Dollar General. I left that store pretty bummed out. I basically figured that those sandala are probably meant to that. Maybe I just need to break them in.
Eventually, that same day I headed down to Walmart. Determined not to give up, I headed to the shoe isle and began looking for my perfect sandals. Lo and behold, I found some. They we're a different color than what I was looking for but I tried them on and instantly fell in love. At this point the color didn't matter. It could be pink, blue, or rainbow colored and I'd still be sold! They we're unbelievably comfortable and best of all they only cost me $14.95 !!! Where did I buy these amazing shoes? Walmart, of course!

So below is a photo of my outfit for today. I attended my son's field trip to his new elementary school. I felt put together and comfortable :).
Sandals: Walmart $15
Jeans : Old Navy $15
Top : Old Navy $ 22.99 ON SALE NOW for $20
