An Etsy shop? Hmm.

So lately if been thinking about opening an Etsy shop to sell some of my crafts. At first I wanted it to be for my crocheted items. But then I thought what if I get a lot of orders and I can't make stuff fast enough? I have time but sometimes I don't and I like working on my own time. So I thought some more and I think I may just try selling my wreathes on Etsy. I spend less time making them and once in a while I can add a crocheted item unto my shop as well. This is just something I've been really thinking about and I've had people tell me that I should be selling the wreathes or crocheted items I make. So I'm going to pray more about it and maybe buy some supplies to get a few wreathes started and see where God takes me on this :). I'm really hoping it works out. There are times I have my doubts and moments of discouragement but I'm still going to try it out for the sake of YOLO! Lol

Here are a few things I may add to my shop to make. The crocheted items will be a first come, first serve, kind of thing because I can only make a few at a time.

So there you have it. :)


  1. You have my vote! I don't think you should worry about not having enough time to make a whole bunch. The girl I bought my wig from said everything was made to order so I had to wait an additional couple of weeks to get it.

    But yeah, I say at least try. :) If you need help with anything let me know. :)

  2. Cool! I'm just waiting to get all my supplies and maybe make 5 wreathes and see how they sell :)

    I will call you for my assembly line ;)


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