Hello Again...

So it's been a while since I've posted any real exciting news here, this is because there hasn't really been anything exciting going on. Just the same old things going on. It's been pretty dust and windy here in El Paso and I've been trying to stay inside as much as possible. My allergies have been very rough on me at night and the same goes for my kids. Nathan has been up a few times at night just really congested. I haven't really had a good nights sleep since Monday night. Although today I decided to go out to get my car cleaned and vacuumed, so we are out today. In fact, I'm at my mom's writing this post right now :)I did however notice there is a huge blanket of dust in the air. That's pretty much expected here since it's been so windy and I think the dust is just starting to settle. I also heard its also all the dirt that gets blown in from Arizona and other places and since El Paso is one big valley the dust really has no where else to go. I think we are in a Basin and Range type of area. As in Moutains.........valley...Mountains....Valley etc... Anywho, enough of that. That's pretty much all that's been going on around here. Oh! another thing I wanted to talk about is how my husband Ben has taking charge of the college ministry at our church. I wanted to talk about how it's changed things in our lives and spiritual walk, but I'm going to leave that for another day, that way I can get into more detail. For now I'll just leave it as a sort of introduction of my next post :) Hope everyone's having a blessed day :D
