Getting Crafty

I'm feeling the need to craft! But I can't seem to find the time and if I do I tell myself why should I if I may have to pack it up and put it away?

I have been procrastinating on a lot of great crafting projects just because the're crafts meant for the decor of my home. If i'm moving I wont be able to put them up for too long without having to take them done all too soon. Ya dig what I'm saying? Ugh, who knew moving was so stressful!? I'm happy and having fun just thinking about getting a chance to clean out my stuff completely and maybe get rid of some clutter but the thought of having to go through all that clutter kinda stresses me out. However having clutter stresses me out even more so I dont mind going through all my stuff, It's only when I get to doing it for Ben's stuff where I feel like I'll go insane! He has so much stuff. SO MUCH "STUFF" books, CD's , electrical stuff, clothes, shoes, BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. Yep, I told him he's in charge of deciding where all that stuff of his goes because I would probably just toss it :) Which is what I do with most of my stuff. Of course it's likely that I will end up either helping him or doing it all myself lol.

Anyways, I'm really really wanting to start crocheting some baby cardigans for the upcoming winter and selling them on Etsy along with my wreathes but I can't seem to get to it. I want to start after I'm done working ona ski hat for my cousin and for some reason I have this mentality that if I don't finish my cousins hat first I will never get to it at all! Weird, I know! That's me. With all that said, I am really looking forward to this summer and winter and I will sure be keeping myself busy :) it's been quite a productive year so far. I'm excited and nervous with all this change going on. I will try and update as time goes on.

And I'm off! 
