Happy Wednesday!

So excited to go to church today and get refreshed for the weekend! I am in need of some serious, God-sent uplifting! I don't know why I've been in such a draggy mood lately. I guess maybe I've been inside for too long. This wind is keeping me from going out too much. I need to go to the park with my kids and have a nice picnic :) LOL I just pictured myself trying to have a nice picnic in the park. Kate's 2 years old and would rather play on the slide than have a nice picnic XD

 Anyway's I'm excited to see what Ben's got in store for us tonight. It's been such a blessing to witness my husband preach on Wednesday's. Ever since I've met him I knew this was something God had meant for him to do. It was just a matter of letting God work and move through him. My Benji's been through so much but I knew that God was working and strengthening him through all he was facing. I'm still waiting to see how God will change and work in me in all of this. Sometimes I don't feel "worthy" enough to be the wife of such a humble and on-fire servant of God such as my husband. Nonetheless, I support him in any way I can and I continue to pray for him and for what God's plan for our lives really is. Through all of this I've seen how much closer I want to be to God, How God's working in our lives by opening doors of opportunity and just watching him lead us in ways that are inexplainable and maybe still I don't fully understand how HE works and often times I question things too much instead of letting God take over and trust in him. So yeah, I'm definitely learning from all this and hopefully God is working in me too in some way :) Well, that's pretty much all I can say for now. My children are calling me and just spilled apple juice on my legs. :P I want to take some pictures tonight of Ben at church doing his thang! Maybe I can post them Later if I succeed. :) And I'm off!

 Here is my Benji about to start his Bible Study :D
