Our Last Few Weeks

So this is getting surreal! We are moving out. I'm putting clothes in boxes, toys and stuff too. I still have so much to pack away and more bins to buy, yet time is passing too fast! This weekend is Good Friday I'm going to be busy getting the kids ready for church, then I'm going to make a quick stop at the store to get Ben's birthday present. I'm so excited! He is gonna love his gift. It will be the perfect moving out present ever given to a husband XD.  Ben's birthday is on Saturday so I will also be busy baking him his favorite scratch cake. We will most likely do something at his mom's house with the family. Then Sunday is Easter. I know I wont be doing much packing away then. So all we have left is the last week of the month, which is out move out week deadline! OMG :O I hope we can get everything out on time. Not to mention I started painting the new place already and still need to finish the ceiling and fix up the bathroom!! Yikes! lol

So with all that being said, I probably wont be posting much on here for a while, at least not until we get settled into our new home. I just wanted to give ya a quick peek into whats been going on. It's been pretty busy around here though. Hopefully it will let up, but hey! being busy is a good thing!

Well I'm off!

Have a great week! Remember Jesus is risen! May your Resurrection Sunday be a blessed time with your families :)

