Happy Friday Ya'll


I'm so happy today is Friday. Not only because its the end of the work week (which doesn't really count for me) but because I don't have to make dinner today! LOL! It's Take-out night and we stay home and watch a movie with the kids. Probably Frozen again and again -_-.  It also means Saturday is a day away and I need to start moving some boxes and painting our new little home :)

Also, yesterday we had a pretty great day as well. My aunt and I took Kate and Nate to downtown we road the bus! it was pretty exciting for Katelyn because "The Wheels on the Bus" is her absolute favorite song. So I thought it would be great to take her one day to ride an actual bus. At first she was mortified, but after we got her in she LOVED it :D I never force my babies to do anything unless I know it will somehow bless them or make them happy in some way. I knew Kate just needed a little nudge and she would love the bus lol. Now all she wants to do is ride the bus!

Here is Kate on the bus with momma

Kate on her seat

It was a Lovely day :)
